About Tina Carter

After many years of teaching and learning from my clients in every class, I feel confident that I can offer you the many benefits pilates can bring with little expenditure and time.

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A little about me

Hi, I’m Tina Carter and I am a qualified Level 3 Advanced Traditional Pilates instructor. I qualified back in 2012, when I could no longer continue to work in my regular job due to a severe back issue. I could no longer spend hours driving around to see clients and sit at my desk for even just an hour or so, so I had to change. I have always been into health and fitness so training as a Pilates instructor was as much for my own health as it was for an income. Having been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, a form of inflammatory disease which often causes degeneration to the back and many other areas in the body, I knew that I needed to keep moving and keep flexible but I wasn’t quite sure how my body would cope with my new career choice. Well I can tell you that I have gone from strength to strength , I no longer take strong pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs, I rarely suffer with my back and if I do it’s a slight discomfort for a few days rather than a trip to A&E.

Pilates has changed my life

After opening up my own studio in 2013 I have seen many clients come for all sorts of reasons and through that I have built up an eye for detail in posture, imbalances in the body and lack of strength in the core and other major supportive muscles. My passion is Pilates and how much difference it can make to every person that practices it regularly.

Pilates is for absolutely everybody, although of course, if you have underlying health issues it is advisable to check with your doctor before starting any physical activity. I love how kind and therapeutic it is to the body and how quickly clients start to see the benefits it brings them. I like to teach a general class that everyone can benefit from, giving adaptations for exercises that people may struggle with for different health reasons and for those that would like to push themselves a little bit further. We are all different and we feel different everyday so I feel it’s important to adapt the class to how the client is feeling on that particular day.

After many years of teaching and learning from my clients in every class, I feel confident that I can offer you the many benefits Pilates can bring with little expenditure and time. Why not see what Pilates can offer you?

For just £10.99/Month, £55.00/6 Months or £90.00/Year you get exclusive access to my Pilates video lessons anytime, anywhere.

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