
Female doing yoga Pilates.


Equipment Sometimes items are there to help and support you during your Pilates class. Here are a few of our regularly used aids that are used in some of our classes: Some clients choose to never use progressions such as the weights and that is never a problem as all exercises can be performed without

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yoga at the beach

Immune System Boost

Immune System Boost Our immune system is incredible. It works continuously fighting infection including 100’s of viruses that enter our bodies at anyone time When our bodies become stressed the stress hormones can hamper our immune system Our immune system is incredible.  It works continuously fighting infection including 100’s of viruses that enter our bodies

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yoga lessons


Sciatica Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the Sciatic Nerve Your Sciatic Nerve is the longest nerve in your body Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the Sciatic Nerve. The pain

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Well shaped senior man


PILATES for MEN If you think Pilates is a ladies workout you are very much mistaken The founder of Pilates, Joseph Pilates, designed the method to work with both the male and female body If you think Pilates is a ladies workout you are very much mistaken.  The founder of Pilates was a Joseph Pilates

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