The Pilates Method

The founder of the Pilates method was Joseph Pilates who was born in Germany in 1880

The History Pilates Method

The founder of the Pilates method was Joseph Pilates who was born in Germany in 1880. He was a very frail and sickly child who suffered with a range of health problems including rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever.

His drive and determination to overcome his illnesses let him to develop an exercise programme that would help him gain enough strength to lead him to become a competent body builder, diver and gymnast.   In 1912 he lived in England working in a circus as a performer and boxer.  During the later part of the First World War he worked in a hospital where he worked with patients unable to walk helping them build strength back into their bodies. In the 1920’s Joseph Pilates and his wife immigrated to the USA where he opened his first gym and began to teach his method of “body conditioning” that he had started to perfect whilst doing his rehabilitation work in the hospital.

Dancers started to use the programme to help with body conditioning, strengthening and help injury recovery, with dance celebrities quickly taking advantage of this newly developed method. Joseph’s wife Clara adapted the Pilates method to suit individual needs of clients. This is the method us Traditional Pilates Teachers are so proud to continue.

Joseph Pilates followed six main principles; Concentration, Breathe, Centring, Precision, Flowing Movement and Body Control. Today Pilates exercise continues to be popular with athletes and dancers and is now a popular form of exercise practised widely by the general public. Physiotherapists, osteopaths and other health professionals recognise Pilates exercise which is often used as part of a rehabilitation programme.

The benefits of Pilates seen and proven time and time again is incredible, the pain relief and health benefits are like nothing you will gain from pounding the payments running and hours spent in the gym. It will help you build strength and wellness in the body and mind.

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